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Source Health Center – Case Study

Source Health Center

Project Objectives

Dr. Michael McCall required a rebranding and design of his website and digital brand. This was accomplished with the creation of a new modern website with a thoughtful design and user experience. The website required updated content that’s easy to explore and to better explain all the services offered by Dr. McCall and Source Health Center.

Re-Branding – Website Design – Development Solutions


The Vision

The approach to the Source Health Center new website is to provide new patients easy access to Dr McCalls’s experience and knowledge with Chiropractic and Nutritional Therapy. To help his clients understand his different methods and approach to providing the best healing process, and how to maintain optimum health for a lifetime. Also to help patients understand what to expect when visiting Source Health Center from the check-in, consolation, examination and how he will provide the best possible results.

We helped to better connect patients to Source Health Center by creating a new website with helpful resources, important facts, and a patient portal with a clean functional design and user interface. The new design guide’s Dr McCall’s patients on how to keep their body on its path to healing by providing the structural and nutritional support it needs to adapt.




We designed and created custom graphics throughout the new website to help patients better understand Dr. McCall’s processes and approach to enhance the body’s natural ability to heal.

The human body is designed to heal itself, if properly supported…

Source Health Center brings together Chiropractic care, dietary recommendations, nutritional support, and Applied Kinesiology to enhance the body’s natural ability to heal. First they alleviate symptoms, then address the cause to encourage a state of maintained health.

Dr. Michael McCall uses the diagnostic technique of muscle testing to find the root cause of each patient’s unique symptom. From this starting point, he develops a robust treatment plan which removes the barriers to health and allows your body to heal.

My Role

I worked with the client to gather information, brainstorm ideas and understand the overall objectives and business needs for his website. I created a solution with the design and development of effective navigation, information and graphics through sound design principles, strategic planning and execution of the business requirements and objectives.

As the Information Architect, Creative Designer and Developer I created the navigational flow of the information and overall organization of the functional structure. Designed and coded the page layouts and design with HTML, CSS and WordPress Shortcodes. Along with creating a visual interesting design, easy to use and providing Dr McCall’s patients with up-to-date client information and needs.


Successfully integrated the digital brand for Dr McCall and the Source Health Center website online experience.

Project Overview

Creative Strategy & Creative Consulting

Re-Branding of the website and digital brand, including implementing the new color palette, core visual identity and typography.

  • Understand your vision and requirements
  • Create outline and workflow
  • Brainstorm ideas and solutions
  • Content review and updates

Info Architecture UI/UX Graphic & Web Design

Creation of all content and graphics for the website, ensure design consistency in the interface including the following:

  • Overall web site information flow & structure
  • Create sketches & wireframes
  • Choose photos, process and retouch, created custom graphics to align with the brand
  • Design the creative vision into graphical screen designs and all graphical interface elements

Front-End Development & WordPress Solutions

Develop and code the graphic interfaces into usable pages, consistent layouts and utilize WordPress technologies including:

  • Develop the page layouts and design with HTML – CSS and WordPress Shortcodes
  • Test on browsers and devices
  • Client review, revisions, updates
  • Launch website

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